
How To Choose The Right Windows For Your Home

How To Choose The Right Windows For Your Home

From earliest times, we humans have needed light. Even when our dwellings were just simple, crude structures, we needed openings to let light and air in. Light meant we could see better, which in turn meant we could perform tasks better. It also helped us stay in sync with the natural cycle of the day and night – something which, although we didn’t know it back then, was vital to our emotional and physical health and well-being. The evolution of...
Seeing Is Believing - Choosing The Right Glazing For Your Home

Seeing Is Believing – Choosing The Right Glazing For Your Home

South Africa is traditionally a sunny, hot country, and our homes are designed with this in mind. We have large rooms, high ceilings, and big windows to take advantage of all the sun, and not a lot of carpeting on our floors. Of course, now that we’re in the grips of winter, we’re wondering why we don’t also design our homes to take cold nights and cooler days into account! This is one of the reasons why it’s so important...

Practical & User-Friendly Retractable Security Gates For Your Home

When we think of retractable security gates, many of us automatically think about home burglaries. It’s a sad fact that home invasions and burglaries are the most feared crime in South Africa. In 2017/2018, an average of 625 houses were burgled every single day. As doors are one of the most common entry points for burglars, logically, installing security gates across all your external doors that allow entry into your home is an excellent deterrent. You can also install a gate...

Building Your Perfect Home – 5 Ways To Add Value From The Ground Up

Building your own home is really the only way you’re guaranteed to get exactly what you want. You can make sure everything is done to suit your lifestyle, instead of living with someone else’s idea of what a dream home should look like. It’s true that building a house may be more expensive than buying one – in the short term at least – but you do have the blissful peace of mind of knowing you’re getting exactly what you’ve always...

What Makes the Perfect Aluminium Sliding Door?

When it comes to sliding doors, not all products are created equal. They may all perform the same function and may even look the same at first glance. But take a closer look, and you’ll discover a world of differences. Depending on their construction, a sliding door can either work like a dream, or stick and jam like a nightmare. It all depends on the quality of the materials and fittings you use. Sliding doors are a wonderful way to enjoy...

Redecorating? Create A Holiday Vibe At Home With Amazing Aluminium

Although the festive season holidays are already well behind us, most of us are still taking a little time to get back into the daily routine of “real life.” During our precious time off, it was wonderful to spend so much time relaxing and soaking up that addictive holiday vibe. Lazy mornings, no stress or worry, and plenty of very happy memories made with family and loved ones. No wonder we’re finding it hard to leave it behind and re-join...

Energy Efficiency – How Does Your Aluminium Measure Up

The expression “energy efficiency” has become so frequently used that we can easily forget the why behind the term. From homeowners to builders and architects, we all are bound to the stringent performance criteria that an energy efficient building must adhere to – and rightly so. Why the Drive for Energy Efficiency? The global determination to do more with less is not simply the latest political bandwagon that we need to jump on. Rather, it is an essential requirement to ensure the...

Get The Aluminium Advantage For Your Home

Aluminium is the most abundant, naturally occurring metal in the world, and the third-most abundant element after oxygen and silicon. In fact, about eight percent of the earth's crust consists of aluminium bauxite. Most of us use it every single day, often without even realising. Today, people use more aluminium than at any other point in its 125-year commercial history. And yet, its bountiful supply still exceeds global demand. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that without aluminium, our lives...